Visa Guide

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AustraliaVisa Fact Finder

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Name: Australia
Location: Indian and Pacific oceans
Time: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST; UTC+08:00), Australian Central Standard Time (ACST; UTC+09:30), and Australian Eastern(AEST; UTC+10:00)
Capital: Canberra
Area: 7,682,300 sq kms
Population: 22,751,014
National Day: 26 Jan (Australia Day)
Currency: Australian Dollar
The climate varies widely due to its large geographical size, largest part of Australia is desert or semi-arid. The northern part of the country has a tropical climate, varied between tropical rainforests, grasslands, part desert.
Easter Tuesday, ANZAC Day, Labour Day, Mother's Day
Airline Name: Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services (QANTAS
International Airports: Sydney Airport, Broome International Airport, Brisbane Airport, Cairns Airport
Disclaimer:The viewer/user of this web page should use the above information as a guideline only, and should always contact the above sources or the user’s own government representatives for the most up-to-date information at that moment in time, before making a final decision to travel to that country or destination.

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